Save Money on Groceries! Simple and Virtually FREE Homemade Vegetable Stock

Are you feeling the pinch as prices of everyday essentials skyrocket due to inflation? Don't worry, I have got your back!

With kitchen scraps you would have tossed in the compost or garbage, you can make your own free, simple and flavorful vegetable broth.-turning trash to treasure!

With some planning ahead (and I mean very little planning ahead), some freezer safe containers, a stockpot and some water you can create a rich mineral filled vegetable stock that is a must-have staple in any home kitchen.

Vegetable Stock’s Benefits

Vegetable stock is a versatile and essential ingredient in any kitchen. Made by simmering a variety of vegetables, herbs, and spices in water, vegetable stock adds depth and complexity of flavor to a multitude of dishes. It serves as the flavorful foundation for soups, stews, sauces, and risottos, infusing them with a savory essence that enhances their overall taste. The beauty of vegetable stock lies in its ability to utilize an assortment of vegetables, allowing you to experiment and customize the flavors to suit your preference. Whether it's the earthy notes of carrots and celery, the aromatic essence of onions and garlic, or the herbaceous touch of parsley and bay leaves, vegetable stock serves not only as a building block but also as a flavorful highlight in any culinary creation. With its rich taste and versatility, vegetable stock is truly a pantry staple that elevates the overall deliciousness of any dish it graces.

Why Food Waste Matters
Kitchen food waste is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. Each day, countless pounds of food are thrown away, adding to the already staggering amount of waste in landfills. From spoiled produce to uneaten leftovers, the disposal of kitchen food waste has a detrimental impact on the environment. When food is thrown to the landfill, it wastes valuable resources like water, energy, and labor that went into producing and transporting the food; by taking steps to reduce kitchen food waste, we can make a significant difference in conserving resources and creating a more sustainable future.

What’s in the homemade vegetable stock

Onion peels, garlic peels, carrot tops, ends of celery, ginger peels, kale stems, parsley stems, other leafy green stems, basically anything you would discard while cooking and throw into your compost bin.

It’s easy: as you chop and peel and grate, have your stock container nearby and throw the scraps in there. Keep this in the freezer until it’s full and time to make the stock.

Hidden Resources: Onion Peels

Onion peels, often discarded without thought, hold surprising benefits that are worth taking note of. These thin papery layers, rich in antioxidants, can infuse our bodies with numerous health benefits. With potent anti-inflammatory properties, onion peels may help alleviate symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Additionally, the high concentration of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in onion peels, may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, onion peels have antibacterial properties, which can aid in fighting harmful bacteria, strengthening our immune system. Moreover, these peels contain dietary fiber that supports gut health and aids digestion. Incredibly versatile, onion peels can be utilized in making a nutrient-rich tea or used as an ingredient in homemade beauty remedies. By recognizing the hidden potential of onion peels, we can harness their natural goodness for our overall well-being.

Hidden Resources: Garlic Peels

Garlic peels, often discarded as waste, possess several surprising benefits that make them worth considering as a valuable addition to our daily routines. Firstly, garlic peels have potent antioxidant properties, which help fight against damaging free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. They are also rich in fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting a healthy gut. Additionally, garlic peels contain compounds that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, making them useful in boosting the immune system and preventing infections. Furthermore, these peels are a natural source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, calcium, and iron, contributing to overall health and well-being. Lastly, utilizing garlic peels in cooking adds a subtle, earthy flavor to dishes, elevating their taste profiles and enhancing culinary experiences. By recognizing and harnessing the benefits of garlic peels, we can reduce waste, improve our health, and delight our taste buds.

Hidden Resources: Carrot Tops

Carrot tops, often neglected and discarded, actually offer an array of benefits that should not be overlooked. These vibrant leafy greens not only enhance the visual appeal of a dish but also provide a fantastic nutritional boost. Packed with vitamins A, C, and K, along with minerals like calcium and potassium, carrot tops offer a concentrated dose of antioxidants, which help to support a healthy immune system. They are also a great source of fiber, aiding digestion and promoting gut health. Don't let these leafy greens go to waste – add them into your stock saver to pack a nutrient dense punch.

The Surprising Benefits of Kale Stems
Kale, often dubbed as a superfood, has long been regarded as a nutrient-packed leafy green vegetable. While its vibrant leaves have received most of the attention, kale stems, which are often discarded, hold a plethora of health benefits that are worth exploring. These overlooked parts of the plant possess unique qualities that make them a valuable addition to our diet and wellness routines.

  • Fiber-rich: Kale stems are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion and promotes bowel regularity. Including kale stems in our meals can help prevent constipation and promote a healthier gut.

  • Vitamin-loaded: Just like the leaves, kale stems are packed with a variety of essential vitamins. They are particularly rich in vitamin K, which is crucial for blood clotting and bone health. Additionally, kale stems contain ample amounts of vitamin C, an antioxidant that boosts our immune system and supports collagen production.

  • Hydration support: Kale stems have a high water content, which can contribute to our daily hydration needs. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy skin, regulating body temperature, and supporting various bodily functions.

  • Antioxidant properties: Kale stems contain antioxidants, such as flavonoids and carotenoids, which help combat oxidative stress and protect our cells from damage. These antioxidants have been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancer.

  • Versatility in culinary creations: Adding kale stems to our recipes brings a delightful crunch and texture to our dishes. They can be sliced and sautéed, pickled, or blended into smoothies for an extra nutritional boost. By utilizing kale stems, we reduce food waste and can explore new and exciting flavors in our culinary adventures.

  • Cost-effective: Another noteworthy benefit of kale stems is their affordability. Often sold at a lower price compared to the leafy parts of the plant, incorporating kale stems into our meals can provide a budget-friendly option for obtaining vital nutrients.

It's important to note that kale stems, like the leaves, should be thoroughly washed before consumption to remove any dirt or pesticides.

The Hidden Wonders of Ginger Peels
Ginger, the aromatic and pungent root known for its culinary and medicinal uses, has gained widespread popularity for its numerous health benefits. While most of us are familiar with the wonders of ginger itself, what many don't realize is that the peels of this root hold a treasure trove of benefits as well. Let's delve into the lesser-known advantages of ginger peels.
1. Nutrient-Rich Powerhouses: Ginger peels boast an impressive array of nutrients, including vitamins B6 and C, potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber. These valuable components contribute to a healthy diet by supporting digestion, immune system function, and overall well-being.
2. Antioxidant Laden: Just like ginger root, the peels are rich in antioxidants, such as gingerol, shogaol, and zingerone. These potent compounds help combat harmful free radicals in the body, protecting cells from oxidative stress and potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
3. Digestive Aid: Ginger has long been praised for its ability to calm stomach discomfort and aid digestion. Similarly, the peels carry these beneficial qualities. Consuming ginger peel tea or incorporating it into your meals can help alleviate indigestion, bloating, and nausea, promoting a healthy digestive system.
4. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Inflammation is at the root of various health issues, from arthritis to heart disease. Ginger peels contain bioactive compounds that possess anti-inflammatory properties. Utilizing ginger peels in cooking or incorporating them into topical applications may contribute to reducing inflammation and potentially easing the symptoms of inflammatory conditions.
5. Culinary Delight: Ginger peels can elevate culinary creations with their subtle hint of spiciness and citrus undertones. Grated or finely chopped, they add a zesty tang to soups, stews, stir-fries, marinades, and even baked goods. You can also infuse oils, vinegars, or syrups with ginger peels to enhance flavor profiles and introduce a unique twist.
6. Waste Reduction: Besides their health benefits, incorporating ginger peels into your routine can contribute to sustainable living. Rather than discarding the peels, repurpose them creatively. Alongside culinary uses, ginger peels can be used to make homemade cleaning solutions, potpourri, or even give that extra ginger zing to your vegetable stock.

Hidden Resources: Parsley Stems

Parsley stems, also often overlooked and discarded, actually offer a range of benefits. For starters, they are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. These nutrients play a crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system, maintaining bone health, and regulating blood pressure. Additionally, parsley stems possess natural diuretic properties that can aid in flushing out toxins from the body, promoting kidney health, and reducing bloating. These stems also contain compounds such as flavonoids and antioxidants, which may have anti-inflammatory and disease-fighting properties.

Look at all of those health benefits we were throwing in the trash! If you’re thinking, okay great but one more thing to do?

Fear not! It’s 3 easy steps:

  1. Save your scraps

  2. Simmer your scraps

  3. Store your stock

3 Step Vegetable Stock from Scraps

  1. Gather any would be discarded peels, tops, and extras as you cook (onion peels, garlic peels, carrot tops, parsley stems, kale stems, collard stems, celery tops…the list goes on)

    (Save scraps in a freezer safe container until you are ready to make stock)

  2. Put all scraps into a large stock pot and cover with water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 2 hours to get a mineral rich stock.

  3. Store vegetable stock in the refrigerator and use within a few weeks (as it has no preservatives)

Step 1.

Whenever I know I am going to chop, whether it be for a stir fry or a stew, I bring out my stock saver. Any container will do, I make sure it has a good seal as it stays in the freezer. I have used both glass and plastic (shown here), and have had success with both.

Step 2

I wait until I have one or two full containers of stock stuff, and then I get to work (*and by work I mean I exert barely any effort).

Just throw your scraps into big stock pots, pour water over (filtered if you’re fancy like that), and simmer on the stove for a few hours. (two usually does the trick).

Step 3

Transfer your mineral rich homemade vegetable stock to mason jars, and store in the refrigerator toward the back.

I usually use the broth within a couple of weeks, and always check the broth before adding to my recipe (as it has no preservatives).

Happy making! (and even happier savings!)

Danielle AriasComment