Navigating the Yoga Studio: A Guide on What Not to Do 😬

First off, different studios have different expectations, and a different culture to their classroom and space. This is not meant to be an overarching post that applies to all situations. I have been a yoga teacher for about 7 years, and so this is based on my own experience as a student and a teacher, as well as what I prefer as a studio manager.

Stepping into a yoga studio is like entering a sanctuary – a space where tranquility, mindfulness, and positive energy intertwine.

While the intention is to create an environment conducive to inner peace and self-discovery, certain behaviors can disrupt the collective harmony. Let’s explore the unspoken etiquette of the yoga studio and delve into what not to do, ensuring that your practice and the practice of those around you remain blissfully undisturbed.

Quiet on the set

Yoga studios are a haven for serenity, where the echoes of breath and the soft guidance of instructors create a sacred atmosphere. Resist the urge to disrupt this symphony with unnecessary chatter. Avoid engaging in boisterous loud conversations before, during, or after class while other classes are in session. If you must communicate, do so in hushed tones, respecting the tranquil ambiance that every yogi cherishes. If you are in the lobby or waiting for a class while another is in session, treat it like a library or sanctuary and used hushed tones: voices often carry in studio spaces. I personally love good energy and laughter, and people making connections in the studio space: just be mindful of whether other classes are in session while you woop it up with your friends. On a similar note, please try not to slam doors entering the studio as well, I can’t tell you how many times during Savasana a door is slammed entering or exiting the studio space.

TLDR? Just be mindful of the noise you make coming in and out of the studio when classes are in session.

Mat Placement Matters

Your yoga mat is your personal space, and how you arrange it can impact the flow of the entire class. Space is limited, so be mindful of your mat's and equipment placement, ensuring it doesn't encroach on your neighbor's territory. Speaking of, there is no need to bring a bag or purse in with you to class, leave that outside of the studio and just bring what you need into the space. Are you a brand new student? Best to try to set up near the middle or back. Seasoned students who can show the flow are very welcome in the front rows. If you are a seasoned student but plan to go rogue, set yourself up in a more inconspicuous space as other students may look to you and think they have to make the same shapes you are making.

TLDR? If you’re going to go rogue: don’t be front and center.

Punctuality is a Virtue

Tardiness disrupts the collective energy of a yoga class. Arriving late not only distracts fellow practitioners but also disrupts your own opportunity for a peaceful transition into the practice. Aim to arrive a few minutes early, allowing time for a calm entrance and a mindful preparation for the sacred space that awaits.

TLDR? If you’re late, come in quietly don’t disrupt the class.

Leave Your Ego at the Door

Yoga is a journey of self-discovery, not a competition. Resist the temptation to compare yourself to others or show off advanced poses for validation. Everyone is on their unique path, and the yoga studio is a judgment-free zone. Honor your body's abilities, listen to its signals, and let go of the ego that might whisper otherwise.

TLDR? Hone in on your own practice, it’s not about performance.

Mindful Device Use

In the serene embrace of a yoga class, electronic devices are unwelcome distractions. Silence your phone, and if you must bring it into the studio (example: you are on call), tuck it discreetly away as best as you can. The hypnotic glow of screens disrupts the peaceful ambiance and detracts from the shared focus on self-awareness and mindfulness. Speaking of, same goes for smart watches, please turn on theatre mode: nothing disrupts a Savasana cool down like hearing “you’ve closed your rings!’

TLDR? Legit almost NO ONE needs to bring their phone into the studio, so just don’t *

Cultivating Respect in the Studio

As you embark on your yoga journey, remember that respect is the foundation of a harmonious practice. By being mindful of your actions and considerate of those around you, you contribute to the creation of a space where everyone can experience the transformative power of yoga without unnecessary disturbances.

TLDR? Kindness and consideration is key.

So, let the yoga studio be a haven of tranquility, where each breath, stretch, and moment of stillness is embraced with respect and mindfulness. Together, we can foster an environment where the collective energy propels us towards inner peace and self-discovery.

  • We are so blessed to have members of the medical and emergency field take time out of their day to attend classes in our studio, I am clearly not speaking about those of you on call. In fact, these students always let me know if they are on call and I LOVE THAT ETIQUETTE AND COMMUNICATION. The best!

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