Oil Pulling, Benefits, the Ick and How To!

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in the mouth for a specific period, typically in the morning, with the goal of promoting oral and overall health.


It’s actually quite simple. Bacteria and other microbes are single-cell organisms, and some have fatty membranes as a a cell wall/skin. When this makes contact with oil, it sticks. As you swish the oil around in your mouth and pull the oil through your gums, the bacteria then attaches. In the end you spit out the oil and the bacteria goes along for the ride. Buh bye!


1. Improved Oral Health:

  • Reduced Bacteria: Oil pulling may help reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Studies suggest that it can contribute to a decrease in the levels of Streptococcus mutans, a bacteria associated with tooth decay.

  • Plaque Reduction: The swishing action during oil pulling might help remove plaque from the teeth and gums, contributing to improved oral hygiene.

2. Gum Health:

  • Gingivitis Reduction: Some studies indicate that oil pulling may help in reducing gingivitis and improving gum health. The anti-inflammatory properties of certain oils may contribute to this effect.

3. Whiter Teeth:

  • Stain Removal: Oil pulling may help remove surface stains from teeth, leading to a brighter and whiter smile.

4. Halitosis (Bad Breath) Prevention:

  • Bacterial Neutralization: By reducing the bacterial load in the mouth, oil pulling may contribute to fresher breath and the prevention of halitosis.

5. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

  • Reduced Inflammation: Some oils used in oil pulling, such as coconut oil, have anti-inflammatory properties. This may contribute to a reduction in inflammation in the oral cavity.

6. Potential Systemic Health Benefits:

  • Heart Health: While more research is needed, there is some speculation that reducing oral bacteria through practices like oil pulling might have positive effects on overall health, including heart health.

7. Dry Mouth Relief:

  • Increased Salivation: The act of swishing oil in the mouth may stimulate salivary flow, which can be beneficial for those experiencing dry mouth.


Will you gag the first time you try this? OH 100%.

Will you get used to oil pulling and actually look forward to it? Also yes.


  1. Choose an Oil: Common oils for oil pulling include coconut oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil.

  2. Swish: Take a tablespoon of oil and swish it around in your mouth for about 15-20 minutes. Do not swallow the oil. This is a long time, build up to it. You can start with a few minutes and add on as you start to feel more confident and comfortable with the practice.

  3. Spit Out: After swishing, spit the oil into a trash can (not the sink, as it can solidify and cause clogs).

  4. Rinse and Brush: Rinse your mouth with warm water, followed by brushing your teeth as usual.


  • Do not swallow the oil: The oil collects bacteria and toxins during swishing, so it's important to spit it out.

  • Do not replace regular oral care: Oil pulling is a complementary practice and should not replace brushing and flossing.

Keep brushing and flossing people!

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